Criminal Attorneys San Bernardino County
Call or Request a Consultation Online Today with your #1 Criminal Defense Lawyer in California Richard McGuire! We are open Monday through Friday 9am to 6pm!
Attorney Richard McGuire stands as a top criminal lawyer in all of San Bernardino County with over 20 years of experience and an astounding track record in receiving his clients zero jail time. If you’ve had any criminal issues, whether it be drunk driving, parole and probation violations, assault, juvenile and more. If you call Mr. McGuire, he is also offering free advice on your specific case. We also currently offer the most affordable rates and specialized Criminal Attorneys San Bernardino county. Call today for your free consultation.

Call the Law Office of Richard McGuire Today (714) 337-9331 Attorney Richard McGuire has been practicing law for many years and has helped thousands of clients with their legal issues. If you or someone you know has been arrested for a DUI, or drug offense, or if you have a minor at home that has been arrested for a juvenile crime, you need to call the law office of Attorney Richard McGuire. You will get the expert advice, guidance and defense that you deserve that will be the most affective in your case. What’s more, Attorney Richard McGuire with domestic violence issues, parole and probation violations, and assault. The law office of Attorney Richard McGuire also serves San Bernardino County and he’s just a phone call away.