Looking for a Juvenile Crimes Attorney?
Call or Request a Consultation Online Today with your #1 Criminal Defense Lawyer in California Richard McGuire! We are open Monday through Friday 9am to 6pm!
Juvenile Crimes can be serious and worrying situations for parents. If a juvenile has been arrested for a criminal matter, not only are the immediate prospects frightening, but the answer to the question “Have they been convicted of a crime?” can affect a juvenile’s future, not to mention a costly matter for parents. Furthermore, the stigma of a criminal conviction can follow the juvenile around; whether applying for a job, education, or a place to live.
If you have been charged with a crime or arrested for a felony or a misdemeanor, call Law Office of Richard McGuire at 714.337.9331 or click here to send an e-mail. Defense attorney Richard McGuire can help your family.

Although juvenile crimes may be similar in nature to adult cases, they are heard in juvenile court through a system completely different than that of adult court – one with its own rules and procedures – and the penalties and punishments differ. Richard McGuire has the experience and aggressiveness as a juvenile criminal defense lawyer. He will make every effort to keep juvenile cases in juvenile court to avoid the possibility of a juvenile being charged as an adult.
Richard McGuire takes pride in offering clients the best defense possible and has extensive experience in the juvenile court system to make certain that, the juvenile, is provided with all the safeguards available to the fullest extent of the law, and to ensure that his or her future is not unduly compromised.
Defense attorney Richard McGuire knows that parents really love their kids and want to do all they can for them. In fact, many of them contact our office, the Law Office of Richard McGuire, when their children get into trouble. Some call us immediately so Richard McGuire can intercede before the police pressure them into speaking against their own interests or before their words can be twisted and used against them. He has found that the biggest problem that our juvenile clients confront, no matter what the charges are, is not taking advantage of their right to remain silent.
Sometimes parents do not call our office right away. In these cases, we usually cannot explain the juvenile’s rights prior to speaking to the police. However, we encourage parents not to let their children just “tell the policeman what happened.” As with any criminal arrest, juveniles have a right to remain silent and exercising this right is usually the best option under all circumstances until you have had a chance to talk with an attorney. The police cannot use the fact that you exercised your rights against you, no matter what they say.
If you have been charged with a crime or arrested for a felony or a misdemeanor in the Orange County area, call Law Office of Richard McGuire at 714.337.9331 or click here to send an e-mail. Defense attorney Richard McGuire can help your family.
Call the Law Office of Richard McGuire Today